REBECCA GAYHEART Though she claims never to have heard Marilyn Manson’s music, Rebecca Gayheart says the musician/actor seemed like a really cool guy when he was on set for his cameo appearance as Rose McGowan’s one-night stand in Jawbreaker. "He was never wearing makeup," she recalls, "but I’m sure he thought I had ‘issues’ with mine." The candy-coated black comedy Jawbreaker follows a trio of murderous high school girls as they struggle to cover up an unwitting crime. The movie places this former "90210" beauty in a variety of vinyl mini-skirts, platform shoes, and the thickest, shiniest, and glossiest lipstick you’ve ever seen. The giggly Gayheart joined LAUNCH in our suite at the Sundance Film Festival where she told us about her coming-of-age-in-Hollywood film Hair Shirt, as well as her forthcoming turn as a vampire in the prequel to From Dusk Till Dawn. Among her startling revelations was an admission to a pre-teen crush on the Karate Kid’s Ralph Maccio. "I don’t know, he was tall, dark, and handsome to me at the time," she recalls. "Now he’s short, dark, and handsome."